About Me

ALT 2023, Singapore

I am a first-year direct PhD student in Computer Science at ETH Zürich. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Niao He and to be a member of the ODI group, which is part of the Institute for Machine Learning. Previously, I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where I was advised by Prof. Yen-Huan Li.

My research focuses on the theory of machine learning and optimization. I have served as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024 and ICLR 2025 and a volunteer at ISIT 2023. I enjoy learning mathematics, computer science, and natural sciences in general.

For more details, please check my CV.

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Papers below are classified by topics and sorted in the chronological order. Please check my Google scholar profile for an up-to-date list.

Learning and optimization with logarithmic losses

  1. [paper] Online self-concordant and relatively smooth minimization, with applications to online portfolio selection and learning quantum states
    Chung-En Tsai, Hao-Chung Cheng, and Yen-Huan Li
    ALT 2023
  2. [paper] Faster stochastic first-order method for maximum-likelihood quantum state tomography
    Chung-En Tsai, Hao-Chung Cheng, and Yen-Huan Li
    QIP 2023
  3. [paper] Data-dependent bounds for online portfolio selection without Lipschitzness and smoothness
    Chung-En Tsai, Ying-Ting Lin, and Yen-Huan Li
    NeurIPS 2023, NOPTA 2024
  4. [paper] Fast minimization of expected logarithmic loss via stochastic dual averaging
    Chung-En Tsai, Hao-Chung Cheng, and Yen-Huan Li
    AISTATS 2024
  5. [paper] Computing Augustin information via hybrid geodesically convex optimization
    Guan-Ren Wang, Chung-En Tsai, Hao-Chung Cheng, and Yen-Huan Li
    ISIT 2024, NOPTA 2024
  6. [paper] Linear convergence in Hilbert's projective metric for computing Augustin information and a Rényi information measure
    Chung-En Tsai*, Guan-Ren Wang*, Hao-Chung Cheng, and Yen-Huan Li

Other topics

  1. [paper] On the synchronization analysis of a strong competition Kuramoto model
    Chun-Hsiung Hsia and Chung-En Tsai


  • Office: OAT, Andreasstrasse 5, 8092 Zürich
  • Email: chungentsai1007 at gmail dot com